Right on the Money

March 11, 2018

Topic: Stewardship Scripture: Matthew 6:19–21

Message Title: Right on the Money
Text: Matthew 6:19-21
Dr. Scott Hanberry

In this life, we either trust in the provisions of life or the Provider. If we trust in the provision, then our whole world is turned upside down if/when the stuff goes away. However, if we trust in the provider, then we have a confident and steadfast hope that the One who gave us the stuff to start with is the same One who will meet our needs now. So, what principles do you use in making financial decisions? What do you think God thinks about your use of your finances? Today, we will study under the topic, "Right on the Money" and will look at what Jesus said about dollars and discipleship.

The ______ & _______ of money is often a _______ to true ______.

Our ______ about money and poossessions can be a strong ______ of our heart's condition.

The more we love money...the less we will love the Lord (v. 24).

What you treasure will become your treasure.

1.) _______ what really matters.
~Think eternity!
~Live generously!

2.) _______ _______!
~Money we plan/wish to give can't buy anything.
~Mondy we hope to give cannot help anybody until it is given.