The Story

 Will you make it your story?

What is this life all about?
Does life have a purpose?
Why are we here?
Where did we come from? 

The "BIG Questions of life"! How do we answer them? We really only have 2 choices to how we answer these questions... either we make up our own answers based on our preferences, our experiences, our hopes and desires. OR...

We seek to find out if there is any objective truth that gives us the answers to all of these questions. Where do you find such truth?

On the surface, the Bible may appear to be just a collection of random stories. On a higher level, though, a unity appears. One complete story - a unified story - a logical story - a historically and scientifically accurate story! GOD'S STORY!

When we know God’s story, it changes everything: who we are, what we want, and how we live.

God's Grand Story can be seen as four movements: Creation - Fall - Rescue - Restoration
As you watch the video, determine for yourself... WILL YOU MAKE THIS YOUR STORY?